2016年3月6日 星期日

Week 02

Fiction 1: Reading, Responding, Writing

Raymond Carver (1938- 1988).

     Raymond Clevie Carver, Jr. (May 25, 1938- August 2, 1988) was an American short- story writer and poet. Carver contributed to the revitalization of the American short story in literature during the 1980s. Carver was born in Clatskanie, Oregon, a mill town on the Columbia River, and grew up in Yakima, Washington, the son of Ella Beatrice (Casey) and Clevie Raymond Carver.
                                                                                   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cathedral (short story).

  "Cathedral" is a short story written by American writer and poet Raymond Carver. It was the first story written after finishing What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. It is the title story of a collection published in 1983: Cathedral.
                                                                                From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1. Fictional: 虛構的;小說的

2. Verification: 確認;證明;核實

3. Reach the verdict: 到達判決

4. Veritus: 【拉】真理

5.Virtual reality: 虛擬實境

6. Realism: 現實的;現實態度

7. Novella: 短篇故事;中篇小說

8. Antihero: 非正統派主角(小說、戲劇中不按傳統品格塑造的                        主角)

9. Protagonist: 主演;主角;主唱者

10. Conventional: 習慣的;慣例的

11. Round character: 圓形人物

12. Flat character: 扁平人物

13. Allegory: 寓言;諷喻

This picture is show about an Allegory of Time Unveiling Truth.

14.Aesop's fables: 伊索寓言

15. Genre: 文藝作品之類型

16. Hypothesis: 假說;前提

17. Compliment: 讚美的話;恭維;敬意

18. Praise:讚揚;稱讚

19. Conflict: 矛盾;衝突

20. Narrator: 解說員

21. Glossary: 詞彙表;術語(或特殊用語)彙編

22.Plot: (小說,戲劇等的)情節

23. Heroine: 女英雄,女傑

24. Flashback: (電影等)倒數,插敘;迷幻藥效幻覺重視

25. Climax: 頂點,最高點

26. Chronological: 依時間前後排列而記載的

27. Chronic: (病)慢性的,(人)久病的

28. Acute: 尖銳的;敏銳的

29. SARS= Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: 】嚴重          急性呼吸道綜合

30. Verisimilitude: 貌似真實

   Verisimilitude is a philosophical concept that distinguishes between the relative and apparent (or seemingly so) truth and falsity of assertions and hypotheses. The problem of verisimilitude is the problem of articulating what it takes for one false theory to be closer to the truth than another false theory.

Ode on a Grecian Urn

 "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is a poem written bu the English Romantic poet John Keats in May 1819 and published anonymously in the January 1820, Number 15 issue of the magazine Annals of the Fine Arts (see 1820 in poetry).
   The poem is one of several "Great Odes of 1819",which include "Ode on Indolence","Ode on Melancholy", "Ode to a Nightingale", and "Ode to Psyche". Keats found earlier forms of poetry unsatisfactory for his purpose, and the collection represented a new development of the ode form. He was inspired to write the poem after reading two articled by English artist and writer Benjamin Haydon. Keats was aware of other works on classical Greek art, and had first- hand exposure to the Elgin Marbles, all of which  reinforced is belief that classical Greek art was idealistic and captured Greek virtues, which forms the basis of the poem.

